
Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Earth Day

    Happy Earth Day everyone!  In celebration, yesterday I planted some herbs on our deck for me to use in my cooking for the season (and hopefully longer!).  Two years ago when I planted my first herb garden, I started everything from seeds.  This year I cheated.  Truthfully, the growing season in New England is just too short not to get a head start by buying plants that are already started for you.  Some people may disagree, but I did not get my mother's green thumb.  I need all the help I can get.  Plus, these little cuties were only $1 more per herb than if I had started them from seeds.  I thought long and hard about which herbs I use most frequently and would love constant access to and came up with the assortment below.

{From left: rosemary, sweet basil, sage, cilantro}

    We bought a solid wood window box with drainage holes that is long enough to accommodate four different herbs.  Note: I planted some mint too but put it in its own pot because I heard that stuff can take over like a weed!  

    Again, I will reiterate that I cheated on this process.  I didn't even get plants that needed to be transplanted.  I got the ones in the biodegradable pots that just become part of the soil.  Let's pretend that this move was all about decreasing the amount of waste that I threw away on Earth Day and not out of pure laziness, but isn't it so nice when you can kill two birds with one stone?

    In just a few minutes, the window box was installed and the plants were all settled in their new home.  They look so adorable.  I really hope I can keep them alive and green!  Who knows, in a couple weeks my new Banana Republic jacket may be the only green thing I own.  How fun is this spring jacket?  It was my other tribute to Earth Day yesterday.  While everyone is going pastel mint these days, I think this kelly green makes such a bold statement.  It's currently sold out online but there is a similar one here, on sale at Nordstrom.

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