
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Dessert First

    Last month for Kevin's birthday, we had plans to go out to a fancy dinner.  When the marathon events happened, the city was shut down for a day and our reservations had to be canceled.  While our dinner plans paled in comparison to what was going on in the city around us, I still wanted to make Kevin's birthday dinner special and allow us to not be consumed by watching the news all night.  We were on lock down and had to figure out what to make from what we hadSomething we always have?  Bacon.  And what's one thing that my husband (and possibly every man) loves?  Bacon.  So I set out to make a fancy meal of bacon everything, and was pretty pleased with the results.  I'm going to share with you what we had for dessert first.  I made the easiest, most delicious maple bacon ice cream sundae.  


Maple Bacon Sundae Recipe
(amounts are approximate--this is supposed to be easy, so just go for it.  Don't get out your measuring cups!)

2 scoops vanilla ice cream
Chocolate syrup
1/4 cup whipped cream (homemade or Cool Whip)
1 tbsp maple syrup
Bacon pieces, to taste

Scoop vanilla ice cream into a bowl.  Drizzle chocolate syrup to taste.  In a second bowl, scoop 1/4 cup whipped cream and mix with 1 tbsp maple syrup.  Top with bacon pieces.  Devour!!

    Have I mentioned that I started having Kevin use a rating scale to determine whether or not he likes a new recipe?  Yeah, this bacon sundae is the very first to get a perfect 10.  I told him that it wasn't really fair considering it was the one thing that I hadn't made from scratch, but honestly he's right.  It was awesome.  Stay tuned later this week for the rest of the amazing bacon meal!

Linking up this recipe at:


  1. Oh. my. gosh. My mouth is watering like crazy right now! I'm putting these items on the grocery list and will be making this VERY soon! :)

    Thanks for linking up with us!

    1. Thanks for the comment Jessica! Trust me you will love it. Thanks for hosting. I'll be back next week :)

  2. Bacon in Ice Cream?! Oddly I don't find it odd. LOL. Sounds amazing! Will have to give it a try.

    1. Haha. I'm pretty much willing to try bacon on anything.

  3. I am so intrigued by the combination of maple/bacon in cookies and now your ice cream. I haven't tried it but I sure am going to, especially since your hubby gave it a perfect 10.

    1. Yum I haven't tried it in cookie form. That will have to be next on my list!
