
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Easy Free Art

    So last week I showed a sneak peek of an art project that I was working on.  See, months ago I thought that the wall in our master bathroom was looking a little bare.  So I found the perfect frame, had my husband hang it up, and then it sat there empty day after day after day.  Does anyone else do that?  Have every intention of finishing an easy project but then just let it sit around for ages?  Anyway, with my in-laws coming in for the weekend I finally felt enough motivation to just get it done.  I searched Pinterest for some free art ideas and came across this ombre paint chip art tutorial from The Lovely Cupboard.  I loved the mix of colors and the fact that I could easily pull it off in just one day (aka the morning that my company arrived).

    I promise to show a full picture of this bathroom soon so you can get a good idea of how this piece of art fits in as a whole.  Our textiles in there are all mint colored so I went with a blue/green theme with a touch of yellow.  

- First I went to the home improvement store and grabbed about 15 paint chips in varying shades--some deep some almost white.

 {Paint chips laid out to get an idea of how they worked together}

- Then I cut them into triangles using a blade and my handy dandy measure mat.

 {Paint chips all cut into triangles}

- I laid out the chips in the pattern that I liked and got ready to secured them down to a sheet of paper.  I literally just used the paper that came in the frame.  I highly recommend using a glue stick here but I couldn't find mine and was on a time crunch so I just used tape.

 {Pieces all secured down before I trimmed the sides}

- Then I just framed it up.  This project took about an hour.

    I love how it looks.  And I love that if I get sick of it down the road, I won't even feel bad switching it out because it was 100% free!

Linking up with:

DIY Show OffHouseofHepworths


  1. Hi Lauren, looks great! Thanks for linking up ;-) I want to make some more, so easy and got to love free crafts. bec

  2. Lauren
    What a great idea! I love the colors you used, too.
    I'm visiting today from At Penny Lane. I co-host a Linky Party Tuesday (open thru Sat) and I'd love for you to link up! I hope you get a chance to stop by, link up and leave a comment, too!
    ~ Megin of VMG206
    Join me each Tues-Sat for Brag About It Link Up Party
