
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Spicy Cinnamon Milkshake

     I love that when my husband goes out of town for work, he'll always tell me that he misses my cooking.  (True or not, it's super sweet).  The other thing I love is that he'll bring recipe ideas home from places that I've never been.  I'm not talking about intricate recipes from exotic lands.  We have pretty simple taste.  In this case, I'm talking about a milkshake that he had at Jack in the Box.

    You see, for a limited time, Jack in the Box was offering a Hot Cinnamon Shake that wasn't available to us here in the Northeast.  In fact, according to the Jack in the Box website the closest location to us is 694.12 miles away in Statesville, NC.  No offense to the Jack in the Box franchise, but if I'm going all the way to North Carolina for a milkshake, I'm going to CookoutI apologize to all the people that haven't been to North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, or Virginia lately and have no idea what I'm talking about.  So I set out to replicate this shake at home.  It became quite the ordeal.  Turns out, the spicy cinnamon syrup that one might need to make this on their own was discontinued about a month before I started looking for it.  Anyone know who makes this besides Monin? Because it's pretty unavailable right now.  I thought my milkshake dreams were over. 

    But wait!  Then I encountered Fireballs Cinnamon Whisky when a friend brought it to our whitewater rafting getaway in Maine.  It has the same spicy type of cinnamon flavor that you'd expect out of a Red Hot candy but with the added bonus that there's whiskey in it.  Spiked milkshake? Yes please!  So I ran out to get my own bottle and the Fireballs Milkshake was born.

    I realize that it looks like plain vanilla, but it's really not about how it looks right?  In my defense I put some Red Hots on top to spice things up a bit and they sank.  It made for a boring looking milkshake but a happy surprise when I reached the bottom of my glass!

Cinnamon Whisky Spiked Milkshake 
Serves 2
3 cups vanilla ice cream
1 cup milk
3 ounces Fireballs Cinnamon Whisky

Combine all ingredients in blender until smooth.  Enjoy!

P.S. In case you're into details like me and you're wondering why I've spelled whiskey two different ways in this post, check out this exhausting explanation.

*Linking up today with Stephanie, Chelsee, Lisette, Catalyn, and Kristin :)


  1. cookout rocks!!!!! if you ever come to NC you gotta try BoJangles too... :) chicken, you can't go wrong!

  2. This looks amazing!!! Thanks for linking up with us today:) I will def. have to make this soon!!!

  3. Found your blog on the Thirsty Thursday LinkUp, and now I'm following you on Bloglovin! {Since GFC will be no more soon} This drink looks amazing! OMG! I've never had Cinnamon Whiskey, but I'd try it for a drink like this.

  4. Ok that looks and sounds delicious. You're a genius!

  5. Umm Hello!! This looks so good!! Thanks for linking up!!
