
Monday, June 17, 2013

Weekend Re-Cap

    This weekend I went white water rafting!  I am not a risk-taker by any stretch of the imagination.  I'm clumsy and and a scaredy-cat so I consider my risk aversion really just a matter of  knowing my limits.  Clumsy, accident prone people usually don't do well in risky situations.  Just saying.

    Anyway I lived to tell the story and since pictures are worth a thousand words, here it is in picture form.

{Campground where we stayed} 

{Our cabin}

{All 13 of us at the beginning of our trip.  The guides offer to take this picture like it's some sort of courtesy when really I'm sure it's for identification purposes should one of us go overboard and die.}
 {See mom? The water was so calm. You can stop reading now}
 {My group's boat}

 {So this happened. Why have I never thought of this before?}
{This tub of cheese puffs just had to make an appearance because it was a pretty big star of the trip.  We were all borderline obsessed.}

  *Linking up today with...

Sami's Shenanigans


  1. Okay!! The calm picture looks fine. I should have stopped there. I am proud of you sweetie.

  2. Great shots of the weekend. Glad you had a blast. Must say I like how you put Kevin in front of you to "catch the water/waves". Will be great memories of your group.
