
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Cherry Limeade

    Last weekend I was still on the red, white, and blue food train so I made this refreshing cherry limeade to go along with the theme.  Also, I had a ton of cherries to use and I wasn't letting those babies go to waste.  Fresh cherries are crazy expensive!  I know everyone is obsessed with Sonic's Cherry Limeade, but I've actually never had one.  I can tell you though that this was delicious!

    The original thought behind the cherry limeade was that this would be a refreshing, all natural drink for summer without all the fillers and syrups.  But in the end, I did have to use a splash of Sprite in order to get the flavor just perfect so it's not totally all natural.  I haven't talked much about my slow mission to go more natural/organic because honestly I'm no expert and I have a long way to go.  Making things at home that are usually available premade is my start.  Notice I said more natural and not all natural.  I'm realistic people!  I don't think I'll ever convert completely.  Kevin and I like to snack, and we like foods that are bad for us.  It's just how it goes.  Anyway, onto the recipe!

Cherry Limeade Recipe
1 cup lime juice
1 cup fresh or frozen cherries
1 cup sugar  
4-6 cups water, to taste
1/2 cup lemon-lime soda or sparkling water 

Juice limes into pitcher or large measuring bowl.  Crush or juice cherries (I used a handheld juicer).  Stir in sugar until dissolved.  Pour in desired amount of water (for more or less concentrated flavor), stirring constantly.  Add soda.  Serve over ice.  Enjoy!

*Linking up today with Lisette and Catalyn :) 


  1. Oh yummy!!! I love limeades!!

    Thanks for linking up with the blog hop! Following you on all your social media sites hope you follow back ;)

  2. that looks sooo goood!

  3. New follower from the blog hop! My husband loves cherry limeade, so I might have to try this.

  4. This looks delicous! I can't wait to try it :)

  5. This sounds delicious! New follower, following via bloglovin'
