
Monday, August 12, 2013

Weekend Recap

    This weekend was so EPIC!  Much thanks to Mr. Timberlake and Mr. Carter for making it happen.  So how did it all go down?

Well first, I cooked way too much food.  If Kevin and I don't start working out soon, things are going to go downhill quickly.  

 {Shrimp and grits, lobster risotto, breakfast pizza, whoopie pies}
Then I got all dressed up for two men who I've had eyes for since I was twelve--my husband and Justin Timberlake.  Outfit details coming later this week.

Before the concert, we had people over for a cookout and there was a lot of sangria, beer, and cornhole.

Then it was time for the main event...

There is a reason I've seen JT in concert four times, and honestly JayZ is a crazy good performer too.  It was the BEST concert I have ever been to and it took quite some time to recover from!  So that's what I did this weekend!

*Linking up with Sami for Weekend Shenanigans


  1. I feel like everyone I know went to that concert! Glad you had fun! And you seriously cooked all that food? I am impressed.

  2. Ive seen them both twice & each time ive walked out sweaty with no voice...amazing performers!

    Alisha @ The Alisha Nicole

  3. BEST CONCERT EVER!! I think I finally can comment....oh and yuck for looking so drunk in your instagram photo!
