
Thursday, September 5, 2013

A Low Maintenance Gallery Wall

    Gallery walls continue to be huge all over home decorating websites, blogs, and Pinterest, so I wanted to show you ours because it's a little different from anything I've seen anywhere else.  It all started with the problem of where this wall is located in our home.  You see, the most conducive wall to a large photo display is in our dining room area.  The problem is that this wall is on the same wall as the door to our condo.  Every time the door shut, the picture frames would shift.  By the end of the day, the frames were all tilted in different directions and looked like a hot mess.  I do not have the patience or the time to shift frames back to level every single day.  So I looked into alternatives and found a solution!

red envelope

    These frame sets made by Red Envelope hang on a rod, so they sit just off the wall.  Now when we shut our front door it doesn't destroy our arrangement!  

    The left side is all Boston themed.  It includes a map, a shot of the Charlestown Bridge taken by our wedding videographer, two pictures of the Zakim Bridge, some random Instagram photos, some homemade art, and a "Home Sweet Home" print.

    The right side is devoted to places that we have traveled.  It includes shots of Chicago, Brooklyn, St Lucia, Martha's Vineyard, St Louis, and an "Eat Well, Travel Often" print.

    We love how this looks, but I am a little disappointed in the quality of the frames themselves.  I hoped that this gallery wall would be a place where we could switch out photos and update things over time, but the frames are a little too flimsy for that.  I highly recommend these frames for an easy gallery wall that does all the work for you--no laying out frames for days trying to find the perfect configuration, no cutting out traced paper to try the configuration out on the wall, no putting 50 tiny holes in your wall.  It's a lazy version of a gallery wall, but we love it.  


  1. Hi Lauren!
    Just followed you via Blogloving Blog Hop.
    Hope you follow back :) Happy Thursday!

  2. I love that gallery walls are becoming so popular. They're so beautiful in a pretty semo-organized way. Lol

    Btw thanks for joining the Blog Hop! Hope you're having fun! :D
    -Your Co-host, Lynn @ MakeupWithTea
