
Monday, September 16, 2013

Guest Post: Kallie from But First, Coffee

Hey there everyone! I'm Kallie and I blog over at my blog But First, Coffee! I blog a little bit of everything from beauty to life to recipes to a weekly Sunday Inspiration post!  I'm super psyched that Lauren has given me the chance to post here on her sweet blog while she is away on vacation! This is my first ever guest post (newbie!) As I'm sure you know, Lauren is away in Europe and she suggested I share some photos with you of my most recent trip there.  Back in early July I traveled through France and then ended up in London for a few nights, I blogged a post from almost each day of my trip! I was a little overwhelmed trying to decide which day or location to share with you, as well as which pictures to choose! I decided a smorgasbord of photos would be the best way to go (smorgasbord are always the best way to go, right?) I hope you enjoy and if you haven't already, I'd love to have to stop by my blog and say "hey!" I love making new bloggy friends!

The photos take you through our time in France where we visited Paris, Dijon and Champagne. 

Thanks again to Lauren for sharing her blog with me today.  I hope you all enjoyed seeing a few pictures of my trip! 
Follow along: Instagram // Twitter // YouTube //


A big thanks to Kallie for taking over for the day.  Be sure to check her blog out because she is awesome.  I'm loving Europe as much as I thought I would, but as much as I'd love to stay forever, I promise I will be back next week!

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