
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Cinque Terre: Bites and Sights

    The second destination on our tour de Europe was Cinque Terre.  If you've never heard of it, you're not alone.  We had actually never heard of it either until we started researching our trip.  This place kept being brought up over and over on message boards, forums, and tip guides everywhere with one common theme: everyone loved it!  It was repeatedly referred as people's "favorite" or "most beautiful destination."  Once we saw a picture, we were sold.

cinque terre
  Cinque Terre is a series of five towns along Italy's west coast that is connected by hiking trails.  We stayed in the southernmost town called Riomaggiore.  We simply hopped a train from Florence and we were on our way to the coast in no time--except for a slight detour when we got off at the wrong stop, didn't understand the conductors, and missed our connection.  Good thing I had my Italian rose-colored glasses on.  You know, the absolute bliss that comes with being on vacation.  I let myself be upset for a moment then supported Kevin in coming up with a plan (I say supported because Kevin is the logistics person in this relationship and I'm of little use when it comes to numbers and times). 

    When we finally arrived at our hotel, we dropped our stuff and bee-lined to the coastline with our camera.  Then, braving a possible storm, we decided to climb one of Riomaggiore's peaks for a great view and a beautiful chapel up top.  It was tough.  Clearly, I was happy to finally reach the top.

But the views were amazing.  

    The next day we did more hiking, but the rain came early in the day.  We planned to hike the entire trail from end to end (about 7 hours) but our plans were thwarted and we only ended up in the next town over before it started pouring.  At least it let up for just long enough for us to grab the money shot.  THE photo opportunity you must take advantage of when you are in Cinque Terre (specifically Manarola).

cinque terre

    Once the rain started back up, we tried to kill more time by poking around in souvenir shops, but it just never let up.  We took the train back to Riomaggiore, grabbed some local wine and pasta to-go at Primo Piatto, and waited it out at our bed and breakfast.

{This place is awesome and serves fresh pasta to-go for 5 Euros.  We chose the trofie pasta with pesto sauce.  Best part?  It's served in a Chinese takeout box}
    Speaking of pesto pasta, Cinque Terre is where pesto was invented, so you better believe we had plenty of it and brought plenty home with us.  We also checked out the local wine, fried fish cones, gelato, and pizza.

And our last meal before leaving was pretty epic: caprese salad, lobster gnocchi for two, and two amazing desserts.

dau cila food

Dear Cinque Terre,
We'd love to come back.  You are beautiful. 
L and K

via del amore

I kept a journal during the trip of our favorite items and names of places so that we wouldn't forget anything.  Some of the things worth mentioning from Cinque Terre are below.

Where we stayed: Il Boma-- this was our favorite accommodation of the tripIt was clean, had a real shower, a balcony, and the fridge was stocked with free drinks and snacks.  Oh, and we were given a bottle of homemade lemoncello as a parting gift.

Top things to do: hike the Cinque Terre National Park, hit the beach

Where we ate: de Aristide, Enoteca Dau Cila, Primo Piatto, Il Grottino

*Linking up with Random Wednesday


  1. Oh my goodness your pictures are amazing! It looks like you guys had fun, how beautiful. I;m stopping by from the blog hop and i'm a new follower though bloglovin. Happy Saturday!

  2. These pictures are wonderful -especially the two travelers!!! :) You look happy to be having such a wonderful adventure.
