
Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Creepiest Thing I've Ever Done

Creepier than that time that we went to a haunted house in a cave.  Creepier than the horror movie that a group of us shot back in 7th grade.  Any guesses?

I have been slow to share anything about our recent trip to Paris because there are just too many pictures.  Most of them are of the Eiffel Tower.  But plenty of them are of skulls--so I figured today was the perfect day to share a first glimpse of our time in Paris because Halloween is really the only appropriate day to write an entire post about skulls.

On our last day in Paris, we visited the Catacombs.  It's an underground burial site that is hundreds of years old.  The line gets crazy long for this attraction, so get there early if it's on your itinerary!  We went the day prior at around 10:30am and realized that we were going to miss our lunch reservation if we waited around, so we went back the next day about an hour before it opened.  We stopped at the nearby Paul for coffee and pastries and stuck it out in the cold until the doors opened. 

I didn't really know what to expect but it was darker and creepier than I initially thought it would be.  It was a labyrinth at first with narrow tunnels and passageways, but then it opened up into bigger rooms with neatly stacked bones in some of the craziest designs.

And some of the most beautiful stonework that we saw in all of Europe. 

It's safe to say that Halloween definitely has me thinking back to this haunting experience from last month.  I don't do scary and really have never been a fan of Halloween, but The Catacombs really gets you thinking about death.  There are so many bodies there that it's impossible not to think of your own mortality.  It's incredible that they have turned this into a tourist attraction without losing sight of the sacredness of this place.  I highly recommend going the next time your find yourself in Paris.  Now, I leave you with this spooktacular picture.

1 comment:

  1. I have honestly never heard of the Catacombs in Paris but i want to go now so badly! I MUST go and see this.
    I found your blog through the Lets Be Friends Hop.
