
Monday, December 16, 2013

If I were more prepared for Christmas...

...we would have a taken a picture in front of our tree to use as a Christmas card, not because it was the only open spot in our house to take an anniversary photo.

...we would have worn cutesy Christmas paraphernalia.

...we would have decorated the tree right after putting it up.  Instead, we waited until we had a party this past weekend.  I'm not even sure if it was so that the tree would look nice or so that the ornament box wasn't sitting in the middle of the room when guests came over.  

...we would have already sent out personalized Christmas cards like this one instead of buying some plain ones in bulk and letting them sit in the box (probably until next Christmas).

This is all to explain part of the reason that we have a Christmas party every year.  This past Saturday we hosted our Third Annual Christmas Party, and it might have been the only reason that we got our acts together and decorated.  I don't mean to sound like a grinch, but I am just always that person that complains that Christmas just sneaks up on them every year like I don't know that it's December.  The place looks great and I always love it once it's done, but for some reason I'm just slow getting started every year.  Maybe next year, we'll be better?  Coming up this week, I'll share details from the party, and how we're finally catching the holiday spirit.  *Spoiler alert: a healthy dose of snow always helps*


  1. We waiting about a week after putting our tree up to decorate it as well. Turns out, the tree starts to dry out a bit after a week. Every time we put an ornament on the tree, needles would fall off. Won't be making that mistake again!

  2. I'm not even getting a tree this year so you're ahead of me on that!

  3. Replies
    1. Glad you enjoyed it! You would think the planner in me would enjoy this but somehow I'm always behind!
