
Tuesday, January 21, 2014


On our journey from Riomaggiore, Italy to Nice, France last September, we passed through a quaint town at the border of the two countries named Menton.  I was so excited to put a visual to the name.  Why?  Well it just happens to be the town that one of the most sophisticated restaurants in Boston is named for.  And to boot, my favorite celebrity chef, Kristen Kish, is the chef de cuisine there.  I attempted to snap a picture as the train went through the Menton station but I ended up with a blurry picture of a wall.  Such is my life. If we're ever there again, we will be sure to stop there because I hear it is beautiful.

I mention this because we had dinner at Menton for our anniversary last month, and it was so epically delicious that it needed a full post.  The place has the best service that I have ever experienced.  We're talking an escort to the restroom, mulitple servers all wishing us a happy anniversary, and a continuous stream of food coming at us!  I apologize in advance for the graininess of these photos because the restaurant's mood lighting really does not make photo documentation all that easy.  Here is our meal in pictures.

We started off the night with cocktails at Drink.  Like Menton, this bar is also owned by Barbara Lynch, and the service is always great.  There's no cocktail menu, you just tell them what you like and they whip something up for you.  They even treated us to champagne when they heard that it was our anniversary.

Then we headed down the street to start the main event.  We started with some wine.

Then a series of little amuse bouches arrived that were delightful even though I can't remember what any of them were.

 {Left: It had caramelized onions so I loved it | Right: some sort of pumpkin puff from heaven?}

::First Course::

 Roasted Beet Salad
Autumn Squash   Orange Blossom   Horseradish

Terrine of Foie Gras
Apple   Persimmon   Walnut

::Second Course::

Potato-Miso Velouté
Brandade   Grapefruit   Chorizo

Leek   Tandoori   Smoked Brioche

::Third Course::

New Zealand Venison
Flageolet Bean   Juniper   Sausage

Prime Beef Sirloin
Cheek   Grapefruit   Rösti

::Cheese Course::

 ::Dessert Course::

Chocolate Torte
Bacon   Cream Cheese   Maple

Eggnog   Golden Raisin   Cashew

As if we weren't already completely stuffed, some fun little extra sweets came out to finish things off.

It was all so incredible, and best of all I caught a glimpse of Miss Kristen Kish herself in the kitchen.  I totally should have asked to meet her, but I would have been a mess and said something completely embarrassing because I'm just that awkward.  As it was, I looked like a lunatic because I made two trips to the bathroom in a five minute span just so that I could spot her in the kitchen.  The first time, I forgot to look for her and got distracted by the cheese cart (typical) but then Kevin said he could see her in the kitchen, so he told me to go again so that I could look.  

Me:  "A man just escorted me to the restroom! It's not like I can just go again without anyone noticing."  
Kevin: "That's ridiculous. Just go."
Me: "Maybe I can loop around the other way and dodge him."
Kevin: "Just go, no one will care."
Me: "Maybe I should wait like 20 minutes, but then what if I really have to go at the end of the meal?  I can't go a third time without looking really crazy."
Kevin: Gives me a look like he is really sorry that he even brought this up.  "Just go."

Luckily, the second time they figured I knew where the restroom was so they didn't bother showing me again.  Thank goodness.  And on the way back I was sure to peek in the kitchen.  Bingo!  Favorite Top Chef contestant ever spotted and night made.  Just to be clear I can't say favorite chef to ever appear on Top Chef because I love me some Emeril, but Kristen is a very close second.  By the way Emeril, if you're reading this, I'll be in New Orleans in April.  Do you have a man at your restaurant that escorts people to the restroom?  I'm sure you do.  Your restaurants rock.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so jealous! I've been wanting to go to Menton. I saw Ming Tsai at Blue Dragon and was the same way :)
