
Thursday, February 6, 2014

(Un)official Cocktail of the Sochi Olympics

The Olympics are always a really cool experience.  I love totally immersing myself in sports that I haven't watched for four years and always find at least one that I didn't know existed.  Speaking of which, I love watching the opening ceremonies and seeing countries that I've never even heard of.  This is not just me right?  I mean, there are whole drinking games devoted to this concept.  It makes this "small" world feel so big and always feeds my need to travel more. 

So what will you be sipping on as you watch the festivities tonight?  Dare I make a recommendation?  How about an icy Moscow Mule?  I don't know what took me so long to try this delicious cocktail, but thank goodness a friend introduced me to it a couple of weeks ago.  It's easy peasy and celebrates Russia's national beverage of choice: vodka.  

 {Copper mug from West Elm}

Moscow Mule Recipe 
*Recipe adapted from Mr. Boston

1 1/2 oz. vodka
1/2 oz. freshly squeezed lime juice
Ginger beer (store bought or homemade)
Lime wedges for garnish

Pour vodka and lime juice into a glass or copper Moscow Mule mug.  Fill mug with ice (crushed or cubed) and top with ginger beer until mug just full. Stir. Garnish with a lime wedge.

Happy Opening Ceremonies everyone!


  1. I'm pregnant and can't drink, so I need to set this aside for later! Glad to have found you through Lovely Thursdays! :)

  2. yes please! i absolutely LOVE ginger beer, so of course I'll love it with a little vodka and lime thrown in the mix. When in Russia, right?

  3. this has to be the official drink! i'm incorporating it into our thanks! ;)

  4. My husband ordered one of those at a restaurant once - delicious! And I love the copper mug.
    Have a great weekend xoxox
