
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Weekend Brunch

Last weekend, Kevin and I checked out Stephanie Cmar's (of Top Chef fame) new pop-up endeavor called Stacked Donuts.  The first few weeks she held donut sales at The Butcher Shop in The South End, but last week she moved over to Cambridge and set up shop at The Commonwealth, a cute market and restaurant in Kendall Square.

Donning an adorable donut-emblazoned apron, Stephanie was front and center handing out her delicious creations and talking to patrons.  She was so incredibly sweet and gracious. 

 Yum. Look at all of those sweet things. Stacks on stacks on stacks.

The featured flavors for the week were salted chocolate raspberry and maple crumble.  She has mastered the glaze.  There is something very Krispy Kreme about it, which makes this southern girl very happy and a little homesick.

Bostonians: have you checked out Stacked Donuts yet?  It's well worth waiting in line for!  Lucky for you, maybe the weather will be in your favor, and you won't freeze your fanny off before you get inside!