
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Easy Plants for Indoors (No Green Thumb Required)

As I mentioned around this time last year, I was not blessed with a green thumb.  I kill plants like it's my job.  But I have found a few things that work for me in the home to keep things looking green and lively around here without much work.

 {Tulips have to be the ultimate spring flower.  I picked these up for cheap at a local florist and they still look great almost a week later.  Plus even when tulips start to die, they look beautiful.  They droop so gracefully.}
 {This snake plant -- also known as mother-in-law's tongue-- requires such little water that I throw a couple of ice cubes in it once a month or so and it's good to go.}

 {Fresh herbs are hardy and enough to keep alive as long as they are in a super sunny area.  These stayed alive all spring and summer last year until the weather turned cold.  They aren't planted inside but were close enough to our kitchen that I'll count it.  They can also be grown indoors if desired.}

 {This grassy little friend is a new edition that I just picked up at CVS.  I love the look for Easter.  It's pretty and perky even though I haven't watered it once.}

 {Back to herbs.  These hydroponic basil plants just need enough water to cover their roots and grow nice a full even in the windowsill.}

Do any of you have problems keeping plants alive?  Which ones work for you?  Succulents? Cacti?  I'd love to hear! 


  1. I love the way flowers look. I can't seem to keep anything alive though. I've got a plastic orchid in my room, that's about as good as I can do. Haha.

  2. I have basil in my windowsill right now =) I love tulips!!!

  3. it's nice to know that I'm not the only one that kills plants for a living. ha! (or so it seems) - I'm Whitney by the way - just going around blog land tonight making new friends (I guess that's what I do when I can't sleep. ha) anyways, come say hi if you get a chance!

  4. there aren't that many varieties of interior plants in boston tho.. :(
