
Monday, April 7, 2014

Two Years

We have been in our home for two years today, and I thought I was the perfect time to share a little about how we landed this beautiful little gem in the city. 

It was 2011 and we were "just browsing" the market.  We were living in Charlestown and had decided to stick around more permanently.  We wanted something with two bedrooms, an open floor plan, and outdoor space.

We went to so many open houses that summer.  We saw some that underwhelmed us, some that didn't meet all of our criteria, and one that looked like it was made for a family of elves-- seriously that house was weirdly small.  Then we saw the one.  We had that feeling, and we compared every other house to it.  Only problem?  We weren't actually trying to buy anything yet.  We were just looking.  Bummer, someone else would snag "our" house and we'd try again next year.

Cut to the following year.  We casually mentioned to a couple of friends that we were looking more seriously this time, but nothing really seemed to match this house that we had seen over the summer.  As the conversation went on, we realized that they knew the owners of said house!  And better yet, they had never sold.  They were still living in it, but looking to sell ASAP in anticipation of a job change and out of state move.  Score!

No matter that we were in the middle of negotiations on another place.  "Our" house was about to go on the market and we needed to find away to get it!  Next thing you know, we're emailing the owners, going over on a Sunday night to negotiate a price, and starting the paperwork the following day.  It all happened so fast and we were learning as we went-- sans realtors mind you.  Never in a million years did we think that our first home would be a for sale by owner situation that we bought from a friend of a friend without the help of a buyer's agent.  But that is exactly what happened.  It was a crazy adventure and we learned so much.  Best of all we landed the house that we had been thinking about for almost a year.

This week I can't wait to share with you some thoughts on home ownership, buying a house, and some updates on home projects in celebration of two years in our current home!