
Friday, August 23, 2013

Fall Favorites

While I'm not quite ready to leave these warm nights behind, fall is my favorite season.  I can't wait to go apple picking, make pies, and travel the Northeast for the perfect view of the leaves in all their glory.  Here are some of my other favorite things about fall.

    Fall has got to be the best season for clothes and accessories.  Everything is so wearable and comfortable.  Here are three looks that I might try out this fall.
*Side note: Jessica Alba is a master at wearing a scarf--her collection makes me a very jealous girl.

fall fashion
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    Fall means apple cider and mulling spices.  And it seems every brewery has their own fall blend.

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Fall food is usually heavy but let me tell you that this salad by The Barefoot Contessa is amazing and I don't even really like salad.  I also like the small size of these little apple pie parfaits.  These items are a great balance to heavy chowder and tailgate food!

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Happy Friday everyone!  It's going to be a busy weekend for us as it's my last free weekend before our big Eurotrip!  Any advice for packing/sightseeing is very very welcomed, and make sure you are following along to keep up with all of our adventures overseas!

 *Linking up with Friday Favorites and Fan Friday


  1. Fall clothes make my heart do a little dance. I love leggings and boots and scarves!! So ready for fall!!

  2. As much as I LOVE the sunshine... and it's lots... I still like my chunk knits and knee bots for the colder weather :-)

    Missy x
    Stopping by from Fan Friday!

  3. Love those outfits!
    Would love for you to join my link up on Monday!

  4. Can I just live in this post? Haha, all my favorite things! <3

    Kallie @ But First, Coffee
