
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Honey Ginger Sangria

    I have been making a lot of sangria this summer.  I love offering it as an option when I have people over because their faces light up every. single. time.  

Me: "What would you like to drink?"
Guest: "What do you have?"
Me: "Wine, beer, rum, vodka, sangria..."
::Guest whips head around like they can't believe their ears:: "OH YES! I'LL HAVE SANGRIA!!"

    Works every time my friends.  Anyway, the red sangria recipe that I posted has become one of my most popular posts to date, so I thought it was time to update you all on my other favorite recipe-- this time for white sangria.
white sangria recipe
Ginger Honey Sangria
adapted from BHG
1/4 cup brandy
1/4 cup orange liqueur
1/2 cup honey
1 1-inch piece fresh ginger, thinly sliced
1 orange, thinly sliced

1 lemon, thinly sliced and seeded 
2 750 milliliter bottles white wine
1 liter  carbonated water, chilled

In a very large pitcher combine brandy, orange liqueur, and honey; stir with a long handled spoon until honey is dissolved. Add ginger, fruit, and 1 bottle of wine. Cover and chill for at least 2 hours (overnight works too).

Just before serving, stir in other bottle of wine and carbonated water. Serve over ice, if desired.  Enjoy!

 *Linking up with Rekita, Ellie, and Heather


  1. Honey and Ginger are both GREAT for a cold, which I have... so for medicinal purposes I think I need this.

  2. Hi
    This sounds delicious.

    I'm a new bloglovin follower from the hop.
    Angel @

  3. sounds good. definitely havent had one of those.

    i always use to have the same thing. never tried anything new.

  4. This looks so good! Do you link up with drink recipes on Thursdays? I have a great one for this week! :)

  5. Mmm I love sangria! And the ginger honey combination sounds so good! I'm usually not a very good hostess as far as drink offerings go, but this definitely sounds like something that'd be good to have on hand!

  6. Can't wait to try this recipe. Sounds delicious.

    Barbara @
