
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Who am I? The Alphabet Game

    On Tuesday, Erin of Two Thirds Hazel posted this alphabet survey of questions.  It was a great way to learn more about her since I just started following her blog recently.  It also happened to be great timing because I've been seeing some new faces around here lately and would love to share a little bit more about me.  So here goes:

A: Attached or Single? Attached to my high school sweetheart, Kevin

B: Best Friend? Ok, I promise the lovey dovey stuff stops here, but it's totally my husband.

C: Cake or pie? Um, both please.  A world without either would be really frightening to me.

D: Day of choice? Saturday 

E: Essential item? A blanket.  It can be 100 degrees outside and I still grab a blanket to snuggle with on the couch.

F: Favorite color? I'm kind of crazy about gray.  Just look at our house or pictures of our wedding and it is pretty obvious.

G: Gummy bears or worms? I'm going to be really specific here. If I'm going gummy, it's gotta be Swedish Fish or Sour Patch Kids.

H: Hometown? Midlothian, Virginia

I: Favorite indulgence? Indulgence implies that I limit my intake, which would be a lie. Cannolis, ice cream, tiramisu, cheesecake, french fries, nachos, and pizza are my faves though.

J: January or July? July.  I live in Boston.  I'd be crazy to prefer January.

K: Kids? None, but I'm borderline obsessed with my nieces ages 2 and 5

L: Life isn’t complete without? Dessert.

M: Marriage date? 12/11/10--this was a strategic move so he could never forget it.

N: Number of brothers/sisters? One older brother.
O: Oranges or Apples? Apples.  An apple a day right? 

P: Phobias/Fears? Heights--nothing out of the ordinary here.

Q: Quotes? 


R: Reasons to smile? A warm day and an ice cold glass of tea...or beer...or wine.

S: Season of choice? Fall.  I do my best cooking with fall ingredients.  Apple pie and sweet potatoes all the way!
T: Tag 5 People. Ehh, don't really feel like tagging 5 people electronically.  And in a real game of tag I'd be too slow to tag 5 people.  My running skills are non-existent.  As are my running-man skills.  Anyone else have embarrassing video taken of them while trying to attempt the running man (or any other dance for that matter)? No, just me?  

U: Unknown fact about me? I'm a sucker for anything involving talking animals.  This commercial is 5 years old and I still quote it almost every single day.

V: Vegetable? Eggplant. 

W: Worst habit? Checking my phone while out to dinner.  Who am I expecting a call from? 

X: Xray or Ultrasound? Sad that no better words start with x, but considering x-rays are usually indicators of bad news and ultrasounds can be for good news...I'll go with ultrasound I guess. Haha!

Y: Your favorite food? The kind that you eat.  Seriously way too many things are my "favorite"

Z: Zodiac sign? Virgo.  What exactly you are learning about me from that question I have no idea.

*Today also marks the first day of the North East Bloggers Network August Blogging Challenge.  I'm linking up for their "Who are you?/Introduction" prompt today.  I'll be participating throughout the month.  Also check out the site because I'm the featured blog of the week this week!


  1. Well that worked out nicely because the post definitely works for both! I also quote the "I pinch" commercial all the time! I'm following along so I don't miss out on the rest of the month!

  2. Cake or pie? both! I agree!! Love your wedding picture, too! Great idea for the "about me" intro post!

  3. Love your quote- cake makes everything more festive :)

  4. isn't erin just the best? i can't read her blog at work because i laugh at loud way too loud (not that i spend time reading blogs at work...) and i'm so glad that you are a dessert and food enthusiast!
