
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

St Germain Spiked Sweet Tea

    This post is all about two things that I really love: sweet tea and St Germain.

st germain sweet tea

St Germain Spiked Sweet Tea

4 cups water
4 tea bags
1/2 cup sugar
Saint Germain (1/2 ounce per serving)
1 lemon, thinly sliced 

Bring 4 cups of water to a boil then steep 4 tea bags for 4 minutes.  Stir in 1/2 cup sugar (or more or less to taste).  Let cool.  Pour into pitcher.

Fill an old fashioned bar glass with ice and add 1/2 ounce of St Germain.  Fill glass with tea and top with slice of lemon.

    It only took me 5 months of blogging to finally post you a sweet tea recipe and talk a little bit about being a southerner here in the north!  When my husband and I first came to the Northeast, we didn't realize that you can't really order sweet tea in restaurants.  They look at you like you have two heads and then offer you the sweeteners to add to your iced tea.  Not even close to being the same thing!  The only options for sweet tea that are readily available are at McDonald's, Chick-fil-a, Dunkin' Donuts and Popeye's.  Notice a theme here?  As much as I love fast food, I'm not about to eat it everyday just to get my sweet tea fix.

    St Germain has a subtle floral flavor and is sweet on it's own.  It would be delicious added to regular iced tea or sweet tea. It's the perfect addition to so many summer drinks.  You can check out another summer cocktail that I made with St Germain here.

*Linking up with Savannah, Shanna and Kristin


  1. I love St. Germain, can't wait to try this!

    Lauren @ Sophisticated Sass

    1. So glad you're a St Germain enthusiast also. So yummy!

  2. LOVE sweet tea dranks!! Thanks for linking up!!

  3. Love the sound of this!! I need to try
